Dastyar is a self-help toolbox for entrepreneurs
Dastyar is a Toolbox for entrepreneurs, consisting of knowledge and tools to overcome common business challenges. It is designed to answer the most commonly asked questions that business owners face in Afghanistan.
Covering fourteen different topic areas tailored to the Afghan business environment.
Offering a brief explanation (called “The Basics”) that offers a quick answer to a question.
When basics are not enough, “Tell Me More” section provides a more thorough explanation.
Ready Tools
Tools, templates, and worksheets that can be customized for each business.
Covering all themes and stages of a company journey
Pick a business theme based on your company stage or a need, and see all the relevant knowledge materials, templates and tool.
Join Dastyar learning community
To make maximum use of Dastyar for your business, join the community of entrepreneurs who are using Dastyar.
Join online business communities and get the chance of learning, networking and exposure.
Look inside the toolkit for a specific topic of interest.
Type a question you need answer for, or problem that you may be facing in your business.